I purchased two thrift store sweaters to recycle a couple weeks ago. I've only finished frogging one so far but here are some pics of both:

This is the first one after frogging. I haven't weighed it yet but it's a 4-ply sock weight and there's quite a bit there. I included a dime for scale. I really need to make myself a niddy noddy so I can calculate the yardage. I lost a bit of the yarn because of my inexperience in taking apart the seams, but all in all I was pleased with the results.

Now I have to get my butt moving to frog the other one but I am currently working on my sister's birthday scarf, which I need to finish by Saturday. Here's the WIP:

I am also finishing Rach's Christmas turned 4-year Anniversary present tonight and blocking it tomorrow so it will be ready for our Anniversary on Sunday. I felt so bad that I didn't get it done in time for Christmas, but she's been awesome about it and it is turning out very nice. Here's the most recent WIP of it:

*P.S: Hi Ashley!!! Why yes that is 100% Peruvian Handspun Wool, what a good eye you have lol! I'm listening to Ani's Canon right now, how are you enjoying it? How's your break going? I still have to finish my printmaking quilt for the faculty selection show eep!!*