Apologies for the radio silence and the resulting long update post which follows:
First Things First:
I want to extend a huge public thank you to Lime and Violet from the infamous Limenviolet Podcast for their amazing mention of my shop in their Yarn Porn segment.
I am featured on Episode 97: Ketchup for any who are interested. I am deeply honored and blown away by their praise of my shop and products. When I first conceived of my business I dreamed that some day I would be featured on Limenviolet and I am overwhelmed that it actually happened!
In Shop News:
Introducing the Llady Llama Fiber Co. line of hand-turned drop spindles:
Each spindle is unique and hand crafted with extreme care and attention to detail. Both the shaft and whorl are made of lovely oak. The whorl is notched to securely hold your hand spun yarn over the whorl.
All wooden surfaces are sanded silky smooth and finished with a beeswax and orange oil wood finishing product. The metal hook is hand bent and is glued securely in place. Some spindles also feature a tung oil dark walnut stain.
I currently have only top-whorls listed but I will soon have up some large bottom whorl plying spindles as well. I may also have spindles made out of different woods in the future.
Llina: 10-16 Grams
Lluna: 17-28 Grams
Lleto: 29-40 Grams
Llampetia: 41-58 Grams
I also just updated the shop with some new hand painted roving!

In Personal News:
Life has been absolutely crazy with familial health scares and job/financial weirdness, but we're hanging in there.
On the positive side Rachel and I celebrated our 6 year Anniversary yesterday!! It seems like only a heartbeat ago I met the most wonderful woman in the world!
Rewinding A Bit:
I received an Ashford Traditional Wheel for the holidays from my parents!
I've finished plying the first batch of singles and already I have 4 oz. at 613 yards with still about 10 oz. left to spin.

While my Mom was cruising Ebay looking a spinning wheels she fell in love with an antique Dutch wheel. She ended up purchasing it and after some resistance she gave into my insistence that she learn to spin so that the wheel would be more than decorative. I started her off on one of the new spindles and then showed her wheel spinning on my wheel while I was home for 2 days over the holidays. She has learned very quickly and she can now use her wheel, has made her first yarn, and is hooked on spinning! Haha I've been telling her I'd make her into a spinner! I am very proud of her!