Before I move on to the new fiber I'm working with here's one more finished yarn. This yarn is a natural Swaledale 2-ply. Yardage for each skein from left to right is 108 , 62, and 34. The weight is 8oz and the WPI is approximately 7. I got this fiber from
Strings and Things.

I used this yarn for one of my sculptures this semester. This piece is made from copper sheeting (yay for studio fees and an awesome professor which let me use
expensive materials like copper without paying the insane prices!!) which I cut and hammered on the anvil and then brazed with an oxy-acetylene rig. I then applied a Liver of Sulphate patina using cold process and sealed it with wax. The yarn is cut into yard-ish long pieces and tied together in bundles and then placed inside.

I have two other pieces from this semester which relate to crochet but I'll post those another time.
Moving on...I just took another trip to
Strings and Things this past week and came back with all kinds of goodies!!
13.8 oz. of Alpaca (SQUEE!!!):

8oz. of Merino in a rose color (ignore the price, I know it's tacky but I wanted to show the label and was too lazy to PhotoShop it out):

And 2 wool blends each weighing 2oz. in a navy which has a lighter streak of blue running through it and a lovely magenta:

I'm planning on mixing a matching a few of these when it comes to plying and I've already got about a half spindle full of an alpaca single:

Now I'm on the lookout for a lightweight spindle, but alas I have not found one to my liking and to the liking of my budget yet.
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