Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Here are the results of dyeing day yesterday! Fourteen skeins of handpainted yarn! It's so humid here right now that they're taking their sweet time drying, but I should have them up on the store in a day or two.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Knit Night & Shop Update

In Personal News:

Rach and I had a blast at the festival despite some rainy weather and we even saw two old college friends there! This year's effigy burned on the final night's bonfire was a dragon much to my delight! It was amazingly designed and at the moment of lighting the blaze the wings popped open and fireworks shot off of the dragons body. The dragon's eyes were also fireworks of some kind. The bonfire is several stories high and the sparks filled the night like a whole new set of stars. 

We also spent quite a bit of time hiking and sitting on a wooden bridge by one of the campsite's ponds relaxing and listening to the bullfrogs. I spun quite a bit while we sat there and I'm down to plying my Mom's yarn!

We each attended a workshop and ate maple cotton candy and amazing Mediterranean food from a vendor and shopped too.

On the way to the festival the first day Rach spotted a store called Woolgathering in Brocton (she saw it while she was driving and she's not a fiber freak, isn't she amazing!). 

It wasn't open but when we got home I looked it up and we stopped in the next day on our way back to Brushwood. We chatted with the owner Barb for about an hour and a half! She is an awesome lady and the shop is great! I'm going to start attending Knit Night on Wednesday nights there and I'm super excited! I've been looking for a knitting group for awhile and hadn't found anything less than 45 minutes away. This is only 10 minutes from home!!! Happy Dance!

In Business News:

Kimber from Palm Valley Fibers finished spinning up the Surf Shop roving she purchased from me. It's so amazing to see someone take my product and transform it to make it their own! 

That is what I love about selling roving and yarn-the item I create goes on to become innumerable new objects and creations. The energy I instill in the fiber as I create with it passes on and it added to by whomever spins it, then knits, crochets or weaves it. If the yarn becomes a gift then there is another person in the chain. If the final item is a gift then there is yet another person in the chain. If the item is handed down etc, etc. Not to mention everyone who interacts with the fiber in a more passive way.
In other words, I can't wait to see what she makes with her yarn!

Also there as a small shop update:

I'm skeining yarn like a crazy person and handpainted yarn should be available in the shop within a week.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yarn: Coming Soon!

This wonderful package came for me yesterday!! Yay cones of undyed yarn!!!

I am busy skeining these up right now before Rach and I go away to Sirius Rising for the weekend.

Soon after we've returned from our mini-vacation I'll have handpainted yarn available in my Etsy shop

We're unable to stay the night at Sirius due to our usual kitty-sitter being unavailable. This is kind of a good thing because it means that I'm not going to be putting my shop on vacation mode and if I get any orders over the weekend I'll still be able to get them shipped off normally.

In case anyone is curious, the yarn bases I am going to have available later next week are the following:

Llore Sock
 75% SW Wool
25% Nylon 
Fingering Weight

Lloot Sock
40% Bamboo
40% SW Wool
20% Nylon
Heavy Fingering Weight

Llabyrinth Lace
55% Silk
45% SW Wool

Llegend Worsted
100% SW Wool
Worsted Weight

I am very excited to be adding these product lines to my store!

In personal news, this is the roving I'm spinning right now:

It's my Lleaf Roving custom dyed for my Mom as a thank you for all her help getting me started with my business! I'm spinning it to be a 2-ply fingering weight and it will probably be knit up by her into ankle socks.

Speaking of my Mom, she has entered the blogosphere and you should check out her knitting blog: MommaTwigKnitter

Also I'm hoping to update the shop tonight with 5 new rovings!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Shop Update

I just updated my Etsy shop with 4 new rovings! More to come in a couple of days.

Goth Loli:

Victory Garden:

Raspberry Afternoon:

Bromeliad Beauty:

Monday, July 6, 2009

Product Preview

I dyed up 4 new rovings today. The fiber base is a new one I'm calling Lleaf Roving. It's 60% Merino, 30% Bamboo and 10% Nylon. Great for spinning sock yarn. I'm pretty happy with the fiber base and I'm reserving judgement on the colorways until they dry.